What Gives You Power Over HIV?
For 40 years, the message around HIV/STI prevention has been based in shame and fear. Thanks to new options like PrEP, PEP, and U=U, the conversation has changed from “I have the RESPONSIBILTY” to ” I have the POWER!” Now all of us, regardless of status, have the ability to have the power over our own sexual health.
The Power Over HIV campaign was created by and for the Detroit community including members from diverse backgrounds and experiences telling their real stories- check ’em out and find the resources you need to CLAIM your POWER OVER HIV!

HIV/STI Prevention Services at Corktown Health:
On-site HIV/STI Testing
Services include HIV/STI screening, testing and treatment for patients and their partners.
Insurance Navigation
Assistance with health insurance and medication assistance programs to ensure access to prevention and treatment medications.
PrEP and PrEP Navigation
Obtain and maintain prescriptions and related health care, as well as identifying and reducing barriers to care.
Offering medicine to prevent HIV within 72 hours of a possible exposure.
On-site Safer Sex, hygiene and menstrual kits
Condoms, pads, toothbrushes, razors, tampons and more available on-site at Corktown Health.
To access HIV/STI Prevention Services, contact the Prevention Department at (313) 832-3300 ext. 108
Services delivered for FREE through the MAIL!
** Anyone in the state of Michigan can request **
We Have The #PowerOverHIV
See how we claim our Power Over HIV through prevention strategies, consistent treatment, and continuing conversations about PrEP, HIV testing and more.

Video Testimonials