Effective Thursday March 19, 2020 until further Notice – ALL SERVICES ARE PROVIDED BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. PLEASE CALL US AT (313) 832-3300
For Corktown Health Center Medical Patients:
Call us at (313) 832-3300. The clinic staff has been reduced, but we are here for you. We will evaluate you and treat you over the phone to help limit your exposure to other illnesses. If after a phone evaluation, you need to come to our office, we will make an appointment for you to be seen as quickly as possible. We will continue to provide medication refills, insurance paperwork and other requests by phone only.
For Behavioral Health Patients:
All therapists will be working off site. Your therapist will contact you directly and arrange to meet with you by teleconference.
HIV Support Services:
Most HIV support staff will work off site. We will have a small number of staff available by appointment only. Most services will be provided by phone, by mail, or teleconference.
Patients in need of Food vouchers/supplements, and emergency financial assistance please call (313) 832-3300.
Patients who need Case management and other services like assistance with insurance please call (313) 832-3300.
Please stay up-to-date on the latest information about Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) by visiting www.cdc.gov/coronavirus and www.michigan.gov/coronavirus
Corktown Health Center CEO talks with Between the Lines about COVID-19
Corktown Health Center CEO Talks Coronavirus Prevention, Remote Health Care